It’s that season again when I look forward to getting those super fresh strawberries from my local strawberry farm just up the road. The sweet smell and fresh taste from these sweet strawberries is to die for. This jam is made by boiling up the strawberry and rosé mixture, then putting into the fridge until you are ready to make it. I like to keep this macerated mix in the fridge for a couple of days to fully absorb the flavours! I adapted this recipe from The Joy of Cooking.
Spiked Strawberry Jam – with Rosé (Makes about 6 Cups)
- 4 pounds fresh strawberries
- 2 Cups sugar
- One lemon
- 1 bottle of rose
- One Vanilla Bean
Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and cut them into halves. Cut the lemon in half. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean.
Combine the strawberries, rosé, sugar, lemon, vanilla bean seeds and vanilla bean into your pot.
Boil the jam until it reaches a rolling boil.
Take the mixture off the heat, and cool slightly before pouring into a bowl or container that you can refrigerate.
Keep this mixture inthe fridge for up to a couple of days, and occassionally stir it. See the lovely change in colour!
When you are ready to begin making the jam, drain the liquid into your pot, and reserve the berries.
Put a plate in the freezer to test for jam readiness later on.
Boil the liquid down, until it’s about half the original quantity. Add the berries back to the pot and begin boiling everything together. When the strawberries begin to soften, use a potato masher to break up the berries.
When the jam begins to thicken up and get darker and begin to stick to your pot, test for readiness. The temperature should be 212-215 F.
To test jam for readiness, take your chilled plate from the freezer, and drop a teasponsfull of jam; let stand for one minute. Run fingertip through jam, if surface wrinkles your jam is ready! If not, continue boiling and test again.
You may now put your strawberry jam into clean jars to store in the fridge, or use the following instructions to can and preserve your jam.
Canning Instructions
- Remove from heat. Skim off foam with metal spoon. Using funnel and 1/2 cup measure, fill hot canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
- Remove any air bubbles with a thin spatula or knife. Wipe rims.
- Cover with lids. Screw on bands until resistance is met to fingertip tight.
- Boil in boiling water canner for 10 minutes.