Peachy Passionfruit Wine Preserves


Some of you know that I love to make jam – Jennifer’s Jam! It’s a hobby that I’ve had for awhile and I’ve liked to combine different types of fruits together to see how it tastes! Most of my jams use less sugar.


Another interest is to see how can I combine my love for wine with my love for jammin’.

On one of my trips to the San Pasqual Winery, I picked up a bottle of Summer Vine Passionfruit Habanero Wine. When I got it home, I wondered what might it be like to create a jam with this wine and peaches!

Here is the recipe! This recipe works, and I’m experimenting with it to get more of a kick of the habanero! You can use this recipe using another passion fruit wine, or another sweet wine like a moscato. This recipe also does not use pectin, so if you are looking for a firmer set, add two tablespoons of pectin when you are boiling up the jam.


  • 6 Cups of Peaches (chopped)
  • 1 Cup of Summer Vine Habanero Wine (you could also use another sweet wine like Moscato)
  • 1 1/2 Cups Sugar
  • 2 Tab. lemon

2 days before making the jam

To make it easier to take the skin off the peaches, cut an X into each peach and drop into hot water for a couple of minutes.

Combine the peaches, sugar, and lemon. Stir this up and place in the fridge for 2-3 days before boiling up the jam. Macerating the peaches with the wine and sugar combination will add to the flavour.

You might find it helpful to purchase one of these utensil sets if you do not have one. Using the jar lifter and funnel makes things so much easier.

Day of Jam Making

Begin to boil the water in your canner. If you have not canned jam before here are some tips from the the jam jar people. Wash all of your jars and heat them in your canner. As you will be sterilizing your jars with the jam, you do not need to boil and sterilize your jars first. Put a plate in the freezer to test for jam readiness later on.


  • Take the macerated peaches out of the fridge.
  • Strain and keep the liquid and put the peaches aside. Boil down the wine syrup until it’s half of the original liquid.
  • Add the peaches
  • Bring to full rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly with wooden spoon. When the jam begins to thicken up and get darker and begin to stick to your pot, test for readiness. This is what my jam looked like when it was ready!

  • To test jam for readiness, take your chilled plate from the freezer, and drop a teasponsfull of jam; let stand for one minute. Run fingertip through jam, if surface wrinkles your jam is ready! If not, continue boiling and test again
  • Remove from heat. Skim off foam with metal spoon. Using funnel and 1/2 cup measure, fill hot canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
  • Remove any air bubbles with a thin spatula or knife. Wipe rims.
  • Cover with lids. Screw on bands until resistance is met to fingertip tight.
  • Boil in boiling water canner for 10 minutes.

Let me know how it goes! This jam goes really well with a batch of home made scones!




1 Comment

Sounds like a great new addition to J’sJ, transforming delicious wine and fruit into a spreadable delight to enjoy anytime of Day. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

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