European Cheese & Wine Heaven – Magnifique

As we all know, wine and cheese is a terrific combination! I was looking forward to learning more about cheese at the Cheeses of Europe workshop at the 2018 Wine Bloggers Conference.

The day before the workshop, my sister and I got our photo taken at the Cheeses of Europe booth. We were both anticipating the event. My sister even changed her flight to make sure she didn’t miss the cheese!! Check out these happy sisters! Say Cheese!

The Cheese Twins are accomplished international cheese experts that were our speakers for this session. You may have seen them on tv as a winner of Food Network’s Great Food Truck Race (Series 7) and a Chopped finalist (Episode: Twins for the Win) We delighted in their passion and knowledge of cheese.

I was in heaven when I saw our table laden with these cheeses. Such a generous offering of lovely cheese! We tasted Comte, Brie, Camembert, Mimolette, and Bleu d’Auvergne. We learned that a perfect cheese board should contain a mix of soft and hard cheeses and a range of mild, medium to strong cheese.

The cheese was artfully displayed – visually appealing and easy to eat.

We had the delicious mild soft cheeses – Brie and Camembert. We paired these cheese with the Meiomi Chardonnay. I liked how they had precut the brie into wedges with a cracker inserted between each wedge for easy serving.

There are 83 descriptors of Comté and I won’t list them all here! Roasted cauliflower, browned butter, dry hazlenuts and brioche are some examples. This is one delicious cheese that I’ve had before in Europe. The texture is quite firm. We paired this cheese with Meiomi Chardonnay.

One of our favourite cheese was the Mimolette. The bright orange colour is made from a natural seed and the flavour is like butterscotch. Although I’ve had this before, it’s not a cheese I see much around here. This would be a fabulous addition to a cheese board. We paired the Meiomi Pinot Noir with this cheese.

The Blue D’Auvergne is a category of blue cheese. It can be creamy, brittle, sweet or savoury. It pairs well with peppery salads and dark fruit. The jammy notes of Pinot Noir is a nice balance to a salad with arugula and Blue D’Auvergne. This cheese was a great pairing with the Meomi Pinot Noir.

We truly enjoyed our cheese, meeting the Cheese Twins, and pairing it with the Meiomi wine. Thanks to the generousity of everyone involved to make this happen!


I am so looking forward to diving into the Cheeses of Europe App! I have pulled it out once while searching for a cheese for a pairing. The Cheese twins energy during that session was great! They were entertaining and informative. Thanks for sharing this and I love your pic with the twins!

Thanks Robin! I forgot to mention the Cheeses of Europe App, I appreciate the reminder! Cheers!

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